Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Book Trailer

So, I've been a very busy little writer-person these days, trying to finish the edits on my next book while keeping up with letting everyone know about the first book. But hey, I truly love what I do, so life is good. I received a message from my publisher yesterday (and just on a side note, I really love my publisher, they are awesome and wonderful!). The message was, "We've completed your book trailer, here it is." Book trailer?!!! I had chills when I first watched the video. You've got to check this out, it's, as my brother says, "Wicked Cool"! Click here to view the video. I hope you enjoy watching this. Also, if you have any questions for me about Signs of the South or my writing, you can send them to my publisher at Have a wonderful week, and take care of yourselves.